Innovative Learning Solutions by Lindsey Funk 

eLearning Development. Adult Learning Theories. Innovative Thinking.

Welcome to my professional portfolio!

My name is, Lindsey Funk, on this site you will find a showcase of my work, including curriculum devleopment, eLearning modules, multimedia content, and assessment tools.

Thank you for visting my page and taking time to view my work! 
I am a passionate and aspiring Instructional Designer pursing a Master of Education degree in the field of Instructional Design and Technology at The American College of Education. My journey into the world of instructional design comes from a passion for learning and fascination with the ways technology can enhance the learning experience.

I believe in creating a learning experience that is both engaging and transformative. My approach to instructional design focuses on the unique needs of learners and wanting to build learning environments for all learning types. I am committed to continiously building upon my learnings to ensure my instructional design skills are effective and relevant.
Words to create by:
“Where My Reason, Imagination Or Interest Were Not Engaged, I Would Not Or I Could Not Learn” (Winston Churchill)

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Professional Organization Memberships
I am a member of the Association for Talent Development (ATD). Being a member of a professional organization allows me to network, continiously develop and access a number of resources.

If you are interested in becoming a member of ATD or would like to just visit their community to check out all that is offered access this link:

Learning Environments
The image to the right depicts the various learning environments that could be used for instruction and the qualities of each learning environment. There are three that are compared: online learning, blended learning and flipped learning classroom.
Media & Information Literacy
Media and information literacy (MIL) is defined as the ability access, analyze, evaluate, as well as create media. This process can be done in a number of different formats. Through understanding the the concepts of media and information literacy instructional designers can feel empowered to make informed decisions on content being used or created. The importance of being able to distinguish between what information is credible and what is not is a critical skill for creators of learning content. Today's digital world puts all sorts of information at our fingertips, but being educated on literacy standards will promote success (Leaning, 2017).

A helpful website to use as a tool for proper use of media and information is:

What is Web 2.0?

Uses of Web 2.0

Web 2.0 Tools for Instructional Design


I created a video on Microlearning which outlines what Microlearning is and how it can be used in eLearning.
Learning Management Systems
This is a video comparing and contrasting various learning management systems.
  • Bloomington, Illinois, United States

Leaning, M. (2017). Media and information literacy: An integrated approach for the 21st century. Chandos Publishing. 

Pappas, C. (2024, March 28). 10 Inspirational quotes for instructional designers. eLearning Industry.

Vecstock - (2024). [Abstract glowing flame drops in electric illumination generative AI].